@are0h and typical of patriarchy enthusiasts, you absolutely erase any aspect of womenhood from the equation when trans women are involved. It’s always “violence against trans people” because you believe that trans women aren’t really oppressed, or if they are, they chose it and thus can opt out if they really don’t want to be oppressed. There is no context that justifies a man killing trans women, and you have revealed your hatred and transmisogyny.
@are0h what’s predictable is men killing women and saying that trans women are a danger that needs to be violently addressed. You can pretend like that doesn’t exist but femicide is everywhere and trans women are blamed for their own victimization.
@are0h how do femicidal fantasies defend anyone from harassment?
@are0h did kabrams *say* that he was racist? Or did he talk around it like you talk around your transmisogyny?
@are0h where you said he was “protecting his space”
@are0h why do you want trans women to be killed?
@eris i have three of them
@vriska in made chili potato jeremys today with blue cheese
@emmycelium i did know a girl who went by that
@apophis @winter @erincandescent i mean to me it feels like when someone who’s angry at a person just starts yelling racial slurs at them that don’t apply. Like an Asian guy being called the N word isn’t really the victim of antiblackness
re: Beetlejuice 2 thoughts, trying to stay vague on spoilers
Beetlejuice 2 thoughts, trying to stay vague on spoilers
@eris it had major structural problems with the script but the actual production and acting made up for it. I’d say it’s fine to wait for home release but if you liked Beetlejuice then you should see it
@vriska the island is small enough you could make a list of every restaurant and the food they make
@vriska anyone two months after leaving America:
@vriska I like my standing desk it keeps me from being too fidgety. I have a balance board too
@eris it’s a scam. they are tricksy
@eris they do that so you aren’t sure if you fed them so they can get you to feed them again
@vriska yeah the water might get salinated or contaminated by flooding and you’re gonna need to cook even if you can flush your toilet and run your shower
@vriska make sure you got lots of water to cook with not just drink in case the water gets fucked
@vriska well shit hope your roof stays on and you’re on high ground
fae/faer | Ghibelline | no war but fag war | bædling