
been trying very hard to figure out what it is i'm doing at all in any of my efforts regarding politics and creation

my political path, the waves i've made, were the self-expressions of a search for truth through engaging with critiques of the world around me and presenting the critiques that i felt like best helped us cut through the illusions around us that construct our world.

political development became synonymous with learning more, engaging more. this sort of development is only the case up to a point. but all of the machinations of our current digital epoch cloud this while we're in it.

social media has taught us lies. so much of it is designed to say that the only ideas worth sharing, the only ideas that "win," are the ones which rally quick and decisive attention, rather than long-term dedicated elaboration and discussion. social media has taught us that its better for ideas to be optically pleasing than true, because potential-popularity is potential-change, is potential-success.

but whats an achievable success for an idea isn't achievable success for a person, a community, a world...

nothing i made previously has really mattered. i know that being who i am, the way that i am, has mattered, and doing it publicly changed the scale of that mattering but i don't know what i'm doing yet.

the only thing i know is that i'm interested in what other thinkers interested in liberation had to say about our world, and why... and i want that to be as accessible to others as possible, so i know i can continue to be a small library-esque resource.

but i know i have the ability to create something that can help more people and is longer lasting than sharing some books. i don't know how to yet, but i know i want to and i know i can.

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I'm sure that when you find out it'll be quite something and I hope I can witness it. I always like when you pop up in a discussion somewhere cause it's always interesting.
I'm sure I'm not the only one sharing in this feeling and wanting to cheer you on.

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A small congregation of exiles.