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every disaster that shakes the core of industrial-connectivity makes my brain go "death stranding"

civilization's role for vampirism has never been presented more clearly

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watching "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and holy shit

this is also the first time ive heard of shotspotter - evil technology

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uspol, religion 

@eri i've said the same (with some level of jest, as my lack of christianity prevents me from actually believing in the anti-christ)
but i genuinely don't think they're being fooled.

i think there's something to be said about public discourse taking on a similar form. it sometimes feels like all discourses are trending towards "child-friendly" and "morally performative" version of themselves

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something i've noticed about my experience attending different Protestant churches growing up is how it legitimately feels like the adults are mostly passing on memetic "sunday school" versions of the stories, and not at all interested in searching for meanings in the stories, but instead hoping to connect their memetic-sunday-school versions to current events.

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growing up christian, i remember the teachings about Jesus and Pontius Pilate, about the other people Jesus was arrested and held with being "robbers" - i didn't realize some translations call the "robbers" "revolutionaries" and "insurrectionists" and "rebels" and "one who had taken part in an uprising

@argumento i was just testing and running into problems too - most of the methods i know seem not to be working hmmmmm this is coming out so well omgggg incredibleee

@fauxlosopher eating any bug sounds intuitively gross to me but im certain plenty actually taste fine!

@eris i've still been interested in figuring out how difficult it would be to make something that attaches activity-pub and AT protocols in one place. having "toots" post via both protocols at once on one account

among us and its clones typically don't have anywhere near the same tension this game does. the necessity of voice chat and the inclusion of non-slackers to have slacker tasks is so fun

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dale and dawson is genuinely one of the most fun games of its kind

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A small congregation of exiles.