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i'm declaring the airshow as an Enemy of Critters and demanding they pay for the damages of sending my dog into the same freakout mode that fireworks do

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watched The Neverending Story for the first time tonight - a very cute story about the power of art and hope.

you mean to tell me you can fly ear ripping machines made to go beyond twice the speed of sound over large populated areas and not even for anything useful? just for an excuse to sell overpriced beer?

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i've been busy all day so i haven't been able to talk about it yet but!!!

the crows delivered a discarded thc-vape cartridge to my porch where i feed them!

sometimes you just gotta hit em with the columbo doobie

doe boosted

calling out "anybody hear me" and hearing someone answer "i hear you" in Death Stranding genuinely gives my heart a warm feeling

someone else said it may have been more of a reference to Yuval Harari's "Sapiens" but i haven't read that so i'm not sure. gonna grab a copy and look.

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speaking of Against the Grain, i think Hideo Kojima may have been Scott-pilled, judging from this message i got in Death Stranding

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genuinely really sad to hear that James C Scott died. i know some people are claiming him as a committed anarchist, which is just demonstrably not true - but he radically changed how i think about and articulate my problems with the state. Against the Grain and, moreso, Seeing Like A State are incredible works.

it's sad to know we'll never hear more from him. two cheers for you, Scott!

-Marx, Chapter 10 of capital, quoting from the "Report of the Insp. &c., 30th April 1860"

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"'If you allow me,' said a highly respectable master to me, 'to work only ten minutes in the day over-time, you put one thousand a year in my pocket.'

'Moments are the elements of profit.'"

i want to put together a prize winning for somebody who invents a better name than 'fediverse' that can catch on

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A small congregation of exiles.