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ZiaNitori boosted

been taking a little break from working on the romhack while i learn more about early human settlement and how forms of domination spread but i think i'll jump back into it once i finish listening to the graeber book

realized this thread was just how i stream of conscious type over here so figure i'd repost it

really hoping leftist spaces dont embrace more structurally antisemitic political thought in response to this shit and so far it's been way better than i was expecting though i'm really worried what'll happen after israel responds

they tell you that you can Know things for certain as a way to teach you to accept certain logics where they feel their framework to be advantaged. accepting there is a Truth to things really, is to accept that there is a correct perspective to view things from and very very very frequently that perspective and the state/social authority occupy the same place in peoples heads and with it comes all other sorts of assumptions that they'll throw into the conversation

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they need Reality not just as the fantasy that they use to train their behaviors/reactions to things, but as a way to set in stone the social practice of believing authorities, because the only way to gain insight onto Reality is by confirming it with another person, but often not just another person, a person with the right credentials or social position

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one really obvious behavior that occurs whenever you reframe anything a dipshit says is the expression of frustration or objections about something being unfair in the conversation because it's social conservative decorum to never do this unless something is very morally important because you're fundamentally shattering their Reality and they cannot function without it

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they need things to be this simple because moral stimuli need to produce clear answers to them. as defenders of societies reproduction, they know that civilization cannot function without this regime

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they need you to tell them that you see things fundamentally the same as them and that you arent one of those glasses wearers that's going to talk about "perspectives" and complicate things

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the way social conservatives need you to believe in Reality should be more clearly understood as them trying to get you to accept a contract

if you care about ancestors and you're not someone who's ancestors were genuinely interesting (basically only some indigenous people) than odds are that you're just a new aged fascist

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there's an old guy who's been growing stuff in the woods his whole life and i always feel like i learn a ton from him whenever he talks so i was really excited to see a youtube rec pop up that was him on a podcast. the first thing i hear when i click the vid is them asking him for his ancestry and i clicked off instantly

still need to work on fixing my habits with weed but i'm thinking thats a longer term project seeing as i still want to use it to shape my habits easier

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been getting out every morning and practicing singing and walking the dogs, i'm hoping i keep this habit up cause i can feel my voice getting better every day

rn figuring out some stuff about early human civilization is the largest bottleneck in me making progress on the pokemon game lol

ZiaNitori boosted

Marx: "The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save—the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour—your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life—the greater is the store of your estranged being."

From the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

the setting of the second half of the game takes place in civilization on it's last legs before it's swallowed by the expanding desert and the sea, but in it's final gasps it only pushes the gas harder and the player's goal is to dismantle some of the biggest machines that are doing the most damage which will often result in things in the overworld changing as a direct result

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i think i've finally figured out what the central questline the second half of the game is going to look like in broad strokes and unsurprisingly the primary goal of the main character is going to be doing massive industrial sabotage for ecological reasons

i think i like the idea of a world where civilization is this thing that keeps happening and there are artifacts from old civs around. i like when i see other media kind of imply this with old magics and stuff, like the sheika in zelda, though that's probably not the best example. i want to add in a big old wizard tower that's filled with ghosts and has a tons of weird hidden secrets in it that can incentivize the player to keep coming back to it and i want to model it off of karazhan from wow. i think i want there to be something like a "true ending" or alt ending that involves going here that gives a bit more lore about the old world as it relates to the resolution of the story of this game but i dont know how i want to end the game. i dont know if i want civilization to be overcome by the player, i dont know if things are even going to end on a hopeful note

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A small congregation of exiles.