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In cases of attempting to defensively seize their oppressor's power and wield it for their advantage, the oppressed have unconsciously or by virtue of being misled yielded their opportunity at freedom, which comes precisely not from oppressive power but its rejection.

In attempting to refute American Exceptionalists, American Diabolists have embraced views which are not an inversion of the logic of Western Chauvinism but merely a reversal of its purpose, replete with ill-disguised contempt for and condescension towards oppressed peoples.

Antisemitism from any group is incompatible with their liberation, not merely because it displaces oppression onto another oppressed group but also because it works to distract from the real, historical causes of the mutual oppression of both.

"One of the basic elements of the relationship between oppressor and oppressed is prescription. Every prescription represents the imposition of one individual's choice upon another, transforming the consciousness of the person prescribed to into one that conforms with the prescriber's consciousness. Thus, the behavior of the oppressed is a prescribed behavior, following as it does the guidelines of the oppressor. The oppressed, having internalized the image of the oppressor and adopted his guidelines, are fearful of freedom. Freedom would require them to eject this image and replace it with autonomy and responsibility. Freedom is acquired by conquest, not by gift. It must be pursued constantly and responsibly. Freedom is not an idea located outside of man, nor is it an idea that becomes myth. It is rather the indispensable condition for the quest of human completion."

--Paulo Freire, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"




Talking to Sisyphus 55, Cursing Myself with the Second Thought Video, & More Halloween Fun!



Alright guys! I've got things all ironed out for you and will be live tomorrow talking to Sisyphus 55! I'll also be going over some fun stuff and have some interesting segments planned! I can't wait to get back to streaming!

taking another night off stream to recover from my vaccine booster but then we're gonna be back in full force!!!!!

NEW VIDEO! My react to Demon Mama's segment about kink is now live! The Cherry Blossoms are eating well this week. <3

NEW VIDEO! I reacted to that video essay that's been going around to add my own unique take. It's a hell of a topic.

I got vaccinated so I'm really tired but anyway here's stream



NEW VIDEO! We looked at a couple of the protests around the world speaking out against the atrocities being committed in Gaza, and what the state of Israel is doing.

Going Over Demon Mama's Kink Take (and then more gaming!)



Hey everybody, as you might have noticed there's no video essay this week. I'm shifting my work schedule around a bit and will be streaming this evening, so lots of important segments are coming soon, but the biggest reason there's no Friday essay is that my current workload has involved me overreaching a bit. It's a lot of work to write, record, edit and upload a serious video all on your own, and some of the projects I'll be giving you a preview of here have involved a lot of strenuous research and writing. I've written more than enough from the start of last July to now to fill a book -- especially given that the Dark Souls Retrospective analysis is currently at 92 pages and it's not even close to done -- and while I have so, so much interesting, provocative and incisive material to show you, I knew if I tried to push one of them out today I'd be rushing it, so I'm going to try to keep working and have these ready over the following few weeks.

Take care, much love, and I'll be dropping some hardcore effort posts very soon.

Pictured below, in order left-to-right:

"Unfortunately, 'Elemental' Has a Problem"

"The Soul of Man | A Dark Souls Trilogy Retrospective"

"The Many Design Hurdles of Overwatch 2"

"How Elden Ring Broke My Arrogant Mindset"

"A Man may make a Remark —
In itself — a quiet thing
That may furnish the Fuse unto a Spark
In dormant nature — lain —

Let us deport — with skill —
Let us discourse — with care —
Powder exists in Charcoal —
Before it exists in Fire."

--Emily Dickinson

POLITICS STREAM! Pro-Palestine Protests, Getting Sissified, Debate React, A Shark in the Water...



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A small congregation of exiles.