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NEW VIDEO! I talked on stream about my criticisms of some left-wing thinkers and groups with whose words I take issue.

NEW VIDEO! I weighed in on the discourse where Hasan Piker went after Thaena for being critical of his attitude towards China.

Chillstream live! New Season Soon? Dog and Cat Games (Overwatch and maybe Sekiro later?)



SERIOUS POLITICS STREAM (Hasan, LeftTube, Marxism, Musk)



"While the problem of humanization has always, from an axiological point of view, been humankind's central problem, it now takes on the character of an inescapable concern. Concern for humanization leads at once to the recognition of dehumanization, not only as an ontological possibility, but as a historical reality, and as an individual perceives the extent of dehumanization, he or she may ask if humanization is a viable possibility. Within history, in concrete objective contexts, both humanization and dehumanization are possibilities for a person as an uncompleted being conscious of their incompletion, but while both humanization and dehumanization are real alternatives, only the first is the people's vocation. This vocation is constantly negated, yet it is affirmed by that very negation. It is thwarted by injustice, exploitation, depression and violence of the oppressors. It is affirmed by the yearning of the oppressed for freedom and justice, and by their struggle to recover their lost humanity. Dehumanization, which marks not only those whose humanity has been stolen but also though in a different way those who have stolen it, is a distortion of the vocation of becoming more fully human. This distortion occurs within history, but it is not a historical vocation. Indeed, to admit of dehumanization to a historical vocation would admit either to cynicism or total despair. The struggle of humanization, for the emancipation of labor, for the overcoming of alienation, for the affirmation of men and women as persons would be meaningless. This struggle is only possible because dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is also not a given destiny, but the result of an unjust order than engenders violence in the oppressors, which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed. Because it is a distortion of being more fully human, sooner or later being less human leads the oppressed to struggle against those who made them so. In order for this struggle to have any meaning, the oppressed must not, in seeking to regain their humanity -- which is a way to create it -- become in turn oppressors of the oppressors, but rather restorers of the humanity of both. This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well."

--Paulo Freire, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

"The rightist sectarian, whom I have previously termed a 'born sectarian,' wants to slow down the historical process, to domesticate time, and thus to domesticate men and women. The leftist sectarian goes totally astray when he or she attempts to interpret reality and history dialectically, and falls into essentially fatalistic positions. The rightist sectarian differs from his or her leftist counterpart in that the former attempts to domesticate the present so that he or she hopes that the future will reproduce this domesticated present, while the latter considers the future established, a kind of inevitable fate, fortune or destiny. For the rightist sectarian, today linked to the past is something given and immutable. For the leftist sectarian, tomorrow as decreed beforehand is inexorably preordained. This rightist and this leftist are both reactionary, because starting from their respectively false views of history, both develop forms of action that negate freedom. The fact that one imagines a well-behaved present and the other a predetermined future does not mean that they therefore fold their arms and become spectators, the former expecting that the present will continue, the latter waiting for the already known future to come to pass. On the contrary, closing themselves into circles of certainty from which they cannot escape, these individuals make their own truth. It is not the truth of men and women who struggle to build the future running the risks involved in this very construction, nor is it the truth of men and women who fight side by side and learn together how to build this future, which is not something given to be received by people, but is rather something to be created by them. Both types of sectarian, treating history in an equally proprietary fashion, end up without the people, which is another way of being against them."

--Paulo Freire, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

hey everybody. I'm sorry but I'm just too sick to realistically stream today. if I'm better tomorrow I'll be on to talk about all the really important stuff I want to talk to you guys about. peace. <3

Part 4 in the TLJV series is live on the channel! This is a returning look at Shadiversity, who we talked about in Part 1, and a follow-up on Part 3 where we did a little digging into the genre of rage reviews. We also get to talk a little about choreography, continuity and storytelling through on-screen action, if only a little bit, while exploring the mechanics of the lightsaber. This will all be constructive to the next part.

Sekiro Time! Facecam, Awoo! (Lady Butterfly? Blazing Bull? Genichiro?)



This Dark Souls essay is officially the longest thing I've ever written for my YouTube channel.

Both of the Patron videos for September and October are now up, I was late on last month's so they're like a little Chariot double feature. :3c

September's Invincible video:

October's Tolkien video:

no stream tonight guys. feeling a bit ill. gonna try to get some good sleep.

Serious Update on the BreadTube Video (And Then Real Cat & Dog Hours)



Part 3 in my essay series on the YouTube backlash against The Last Jedi is now live, and it's a special one about MauLer and a certain argumentative strategy of some YouTube critics. Please enjoy!

"It does not occur to Balfour, however, to let the Egyptian speak for himself, since presumably any Egyptian who would speak out is more likely to be 'the agitator who wishes to raise difficulties' than the good native who overlooks the difficulties of foreign domination."

--Edward Said, "Orientalism"

"My two fears are distortion and inaccuracy, or rather the kind of inaccuracy produced by too dogmatic a generality and too positivistic a localized focus."

Edward Said, "Orientalism"

waow viebstream (cat and dog co-stream, autism creatures activate)



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A small congregation of exiles.