The Menu spoilers 

Starting a watch of #TheMenu. Saw #RedLetterMedia talking about it and piqued my interest.

I'm 8 minutes in and I already have a strong critique: Anya Taylor-Joy's character seems to be there to point out how the rich out-of-touch morons are rich out-of-touch morons even as we are shown scenes of them explicitly being rich out-of-touch morons. I hope the rest of the movie has more faith in the viewer.

The Menu spoilers 

"WHOAH! WHO LIVES THERE! CAN I VISIT" "That belongs to Chef, even we lowly peons cannot visit it"

camera pans to: the most unremarkable cabin house you could see in a film

The Menu spoilers 

The chef played by Ralph Fiennes makes eye contact with Nicholas Hoult and it's played up as some sinister moment but I cannot stress enough that NOTHING IN THIS MOVIE HAS HAPPENED THAT IS CREEPIER THAN WHAT WE HAVE COME TO EXPECT FROM LATE STAGE CAPITALISM AND THE EXCESSES OF THE WEALTHY


The Menu spoilers 

@gayfesh It's just a technique to build tension

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