
to follow up on the civilization is literally a living being post, i want to emphasize how literally i mean that. at one point single celled organisms grouped together by some initially accidental mechanism/circumstance that proved to be advantageous for their propagation and through time became so dependent on this arrangement, optimizing themselves solely for the survival of the greater organism than themselves. colony species represent yet another leap forward in the complexity of the organization of beings, and the same subjugation to the larger organism exists and will only intensify for mankind in civilization. civilization integrates bodies into itself through the control of incentives and the capture of attention (the dominant thing it works on being fear), it creates systems to optimize those bodies and destroy, kidnap and/or deincentivize the creation of bodies that dont provide advantage to it. nearly every religious and spiritual practice i've seen seems to be an unconscious attempt to gain favor with this beast by learning to perform some kind of servility, willingly offering up your mind and body to it to alleviate the distress that comes with captivity. nearly all political organization is just an attempt to create another beast to eat the current one from the inside out to gain advantage for some specific group within it's body often explicitly stating that it's goals are better for the function of leviathan (they'll use language like it being better for The People or some shit). morality is just another form of religion where Reason is used to dominate others into behaving in ways that are for the benefit of the whole. even more libertarian moral systems are just a way to see yourself as an individual agent with rights and responsibilities to others (not to offend them in any way that's Unjustified) because that's proved to be an incredibly effective tool of social control. if you do not wish to be captured you dont need a moral system for that, you just need to keep listening to the antisocial parts of you that they've been trying to beat out of you and just fucking run away. we all have urges in us to resist a cage, to evade captivity because we're only partially into this species's transformation into a singular being.

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you've been taught to be dependent on this organism to survive instead of the environment around you, instead of the ecosystems that civilization sterilizes and metabolizes and it's not easy to learn these skills, because those of us that want to escape tend to be those who havent been able to fully integrate, often because we've made ourselves uncontrollable in some capacity. i learned to make my attention hard to capture and they gave me a diagnosis and medication for it as a kid, now as an adult, i have to unlearn this unconscious habit to have enough mastery over myself to learn these skills, to succeed in my escape. your antisocial behaviors, your hysteria, your inability to focus, your impulsiveness, your anger, your depression, your delusions are all beautiful and the only reason you have a chance at escaping the body of this beast because they allowed you to see it for what it is, but stopping there isnt enough. it has plenty of mechanisms to capture you if you dont keep moving, if you dont change to make these rigid automatic behaviors more flexible, more adaptable by your conscious mind, because nearly all of these things can be controlled by fear because that's the condition under which they were learned.

There is only one environment in which all the cells of a human body can exist, let alone have any amount of power. Leviathan will bring about this state in humans if it is possible. It yearns for the closing of all possibilities of existence besides its own—that mode of existence which, above all, guarantees its own reproduction. The power of individuals is made useful only to leviathan. So thoroughly it captures their desires they cannot even function beyond its structure. Humans become like batteries that are useless outside of particular circumstances. Those whose desires escape capture are faced by a beast that commands great power and by an environment so utterly transformed so as to be useless to all—even to leviathan itself, so long as it limits the possibility of its demise. It wants to make the individual impotent. I’d say more but I’m tired. And there is much more to be said about leviathan in these terms, but much of it is probably obvious.

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A small congregation of exiles.