love to be reminded how antisemitic leftists are. they're been inundated with too many aggressive "free palestine" sloganeers and unconsciously know not to raise criticism when someone calls a random jewish person (who happens to criticize their antisemitism) a zionist. they know to back off and not take sides as soon as zionist is invoked and get wary of anyone who spends too long talking about antisemitism, especially anyone who talks about antisemitism on the left because they know that the charge of zionist is coming from leftists with more social capital. fucking cowardly little fascists


literally everyone who has ever called yung a zionist, and i'd argue, all the people who saw that shit and didnt say shit about it is to some degree antisemitic. fascist politics are the politics of reading the room which is why nearly every coward is a fascist and every fascist is a coward

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