oh today is the first day i successfully started the day reading. i've noticed now that i have the rule not to start the day on hte computer, i'll just start falling asleep again after i wake up. i think this is because i've been working out really heavily (relatively speaking) and normally i end up really sore the next day, but these last few days i've been able to keep up the same intensity and i've been sometimes even sleeping for like 12 hours. i stg my body just heals itself like i'm woverine or some shit if i just sleep instead of feeding my computer addiction lmao


explained that poorly, i'm falling back asleep because my body is still tired because i've been heavily working out, before i wasnt falling back asleep cause i'd get on the computer right after i woke up and i would have what felt like a normal amount of soreness after working out the day before, now, while i still feel sore it doesnt effect how hard i can work out the next day, at least not noticeably

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