
populism is just fascist horseshit. there is absolutely no indication that the average person is anywhere near being interested in or even capable of living autonomously, of living without interpersonal domination, yet all these so called radicals will orient their politics around appealing to these people above all else. they fucking love interpersonal domination, they use it so constantly that it's basically assumed (unconsciously) by most that most conversations are a power game. they invite drooling reactionaries excited to fly a flag in to get them to chat our languages ritualistically and eventually overcrowd and push us out because the reactionaries are easier to manage in large numbers. once the radicals are gone, they lose their ability to create new compelling rhetoric so unless they were able to capture power they eventually become stale and lose their luster which signals to the reactionaries to move onto something new. idk, you wouldnt tell a queer peasant living in a world dominated by the church to go try and trick people into thinking they have something against settled society when they're perfectly comfortable where they are, you'd tell them to find freedom and when i look at the world most people look like they're barely more progressive or whatever than christians at a witch trial

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