"cuteness" is such a disgusting concept. you're taught to associate this positive sounding little word with vulnerability and helplessness because it's the other side of the coin of patriarchal rape fantasies. bottoms are taught to want to make themselves cute because the only way to attract a top is by showing a vulnerability to be exploited, literally just bait, but tied in with it is the impulse to protect the cute object, to nurture it to infantilize it to make sure that the rapist doesnt just discard the bottom. they need to see the bottom as both prey and child because heterosexual sexuality is just pedophilic. this is barely disguised because people's ego's and superficial revulsion to pedophilia wont let them see it in themselves. sorry, you're not into dominance or submission, you're into pedophilia, deal with it or change


i have so much more respect for people who actually recognize their impulses for what they are because at least you can actually have a conversation about it

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