everyone wants to help liberate youth from traffickers until they see what shade of yellow the armored vehicle is painted in, then suddenly it's "we can't do that" and "it's just a schoolbus" :nekoeyeroll:

@reiko trafficking was one of those terms i could never feel like i had a solid definition of as a kid, people either used it differently from each other or used it super imprecisely (or god forbid refer to legal definitions) and now as an adult i can recognize that when there are terms that are like that it's because people are trying to cover for something fucked up

@ZiaNitori I particularly like the way ideologues on the "right" will use the word when parents on the "left" do things consistent with their culture and vice-versa wherein nobody is actually being separated from their home as the term implies, like after school programs or short stay summer camps. a choose-your-own-adventure novel of a word, almost meaningless on its own

@reiko any word that carries moral weight gets hurled around by illiterates trying to affect the behavior of the ethically impaired until it's reduced into good or bad, yes or no, a simple signal in a machine

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