
all the clay is dug now, just need to break up some chunks and root balls into smaller bits in the last section and fill in with the soil, will be really nice to get the compost online so i dont have to till the soil like this again tho it was pretty fun for the workout. there's probably zero fungal life in there to bother but i'm definitely fucking with some insects and arachnids with this disturbance. gonna spend the last bit of the day collecting blackberries and fucking with the sprinklers. going to try to rotate through all of them to get some water to all the seeds that were dropped near them though that will prob take the better part of a week to do since i'm only swapping them 3 times a day. going through all the sprinklers should also let me find any issues in the lines so i can try to fix them at some point before the water gets turned off. i wanna start making a little map of the place and keep things like info about the lines and what's growing where on it so i can plan things out better but i've been too lazy to go out to the shed and dig through our stuff to see if we have any spare paper there (we still havent moved all our stuff in cause kammys grandma is a hoarder/impulse buyer and was keeping a ton of her shit in this house and still needs to get around to moving a bunch of it out lol)

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