Any advice on swapping to a DE? I feel like I haven't really utilized using a Window Manager on its own to a degree which justifies it, thinking maybe xfce? idk really. Thoughts everyone? I'm currently using i3 on my system but I still haven't gotten used to it after like, months of using my system, I'm just a pseud and should go to using a DE, the whole reason I used i3 in the first place was because I thought it looked cool, and while it does, I can probably just rice on a DE, no?

Back Pain, Shoulder pain, ever getting closer,,, to completing my RG Sazabi

Part of why I chose to use a Tiling WM is that like every DE I look at these days visually looks like trash, this is Linux, you can do whatever you want with your computer! Why do KDE, GNOME, XFCE, and MATE all look like this weird clean "modern" Iphone-looking-ass design?

A small congregation of exiles.