re: post on main, i actually started calling MLs reactionary a long time back because to me a person was a reactionary if their politics were simply built at face value reaction to something else, not meaningfully critiquing or reframing it, but simply trying to agitate a mob in reaction to it and MLs locked in their battle for history against The West perfectly meet that definition

i've often thought that their place on the internet doesnt look organic because of how lockstep they get with certain countries every word and feel like this is the result of a really minimal amount of investment by countries like china and russia into social media. these people already wanted to act like a state, they just needed help in figuring out what flags to fly


i remember before all of them became completely unthinking soldiers for china/russia i'd talk to some of them and while it was clear they were unthinking authority cucks who were just following whatever the group did, they were always a little lost, always a little unconfident, uncertain with their words. now that they've been given the proper story of the grand battle for History they know who the good guys and bad guys are and brainlessly shout slogans with all the confidence in the world

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