despite being less productive than i'd hoped, i'm still staying under 200lbs so that's dope. if i can get myself to go for a walk occasionally i might start pushing myself to be more active

@ZiaNitori nice! that's also how it started for me! first you walk a bit, and then you up your mileage, yadda yadda, and, who knows, you might even become a full-fledged runner. at least that was my progression and, health benefits aside, what i loved was how it also lead me to explore off the beaten path in trails and hikes, or small towns. very calming.


@orphy i actually love running and after a week of doing it consistently i can pretty easily manage 10+ miles, i'm just in maine and i fucking hate running in the cold. by being more active i was thinking of light workout stuff in the apartment.

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@ZiaNitori last week was pretty chilly and I came down with a cold because I didn't wear a jacket during my warm down... though I'm guessing maine weather is like 5 times worse lol

were you athletic before starting? that's honestly a pretty impressive number generally, esp if one is inexperienced

working out inside is awful in general, I only do stretches and shit, idk how ppl can manage going to gyms and the like

@orphy i was athletic growing up and running always came really easy to me, partially cause i'm tall w/ long legs. but i went from like 150lbs to 220 in the military from stress. now i want to get some muscle on me so the weight i think i wanna get around to is like 185, but i gain muscle quick so idk

@ZiaNitori tall and long legs? gene difference...

jeez, the military really fucked you over in so many ways lol

i think gaining muscle is generally pretty easy, esp if one mixmaxes like crazy

i kinda want to lose all the muscle ive gained from work, my upper arms really stand out in comparison to the rest of my body, im shooting for that twinkish and cute but lowkey strong kinda look 😏

@orphy i was kind of a twink with no body fat and all muscle before and it only brought me barely overweight for my height, and even then it wasnt super noticeable because it went to my legs. i never worked out my upper body before the military basically because i liked looking fem but didnt realize it

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