
sorry but that post with the invisible committee quote sucks so fucking hard. i'm tired of collectivist religious psychosis it always leads to interpersonal domination. autonomy is not possible when individuals are dependent on a group to survive and swearing loyalty is just giving permission for people to act retributive if they can frame you as acting not in the best interests of the group, this is just horseshit feelgood rhetoric that npcs like because they feel good when they imagine other people who they agree with morally taking care of them. if you care about autonomy at all you do away with the shared bullshitting and as individuals do your best to work with the other individuals around you. pretending we're all on the same team here and getting shocked when someone is different than you thought is a social tactic to conserve norms that advantage you specifically, it's weaselly and incoherent and it creates an environment that favors generally agreeable people, the perfect subjects of interpersonal domination so you create a resource for more fascistic types to use to more effectively dominate other more actually autonomous people. we are complicated creatures and what we say we want/do obviously does not match our actual behaviors/motivations, anyone who tells you to overlook this is trying to trick you and you should try to understand why

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like "anti individualistic collective bond" sounds like some dumb bullshit out of a tanks mouth

in liberal ideology, which is grounded in the capitalist marketplace

*autogenerated activist noises*

btw we dont seize or wield power, we just take collective action, power is what bad guys have, we're the meek powerless and pitiful but also we're going to tear down oppressive institutions with our unmight

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