
have a bit of a dilemma on twitter. since my notifications havent been working for the last month or so and dont seem to be getting fixed, in order to make sure i dont miss people's posts i'm finding i actually have to double check the "for you" tab because apparently the linear timeline might not show everything lmao. unfortunately when i do this i have to see dogshit posts from people i'd like to respect more acting desperate and social-climby, replying with meaingless compliments to bad thirst traps or talking with libs in lib terms. it's really painful to look at because even though i always wanna give room for people to change and grow cause they can, it's annoying to be reminded how far most people have to go to be tolerable to be around in the first place and it takes effort for that to not tank my mood. another upside is getting to see random yungneocon arguments so i'm probably gonna just keep doing it

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