
front garden starting to move along faster than expected since the people we're renting from used to grow weed and have a ton of leftover soil they're cool with us grabbing. the ground is clay and this is gonna let us get stuff planted out there sooner than having to wait for the compost pile to get going. we can also bring this stuff over to another area to try to get a groundcover in and possibly start looking to get some trees and shrubs in. still got a lot of work until the big compost pile is up and we also need to find something for a compost bin for food scraps near the house. we're going to be using dried out brambles and other woody debris from the pasture to serve as the carbon and grass clippings other plant material and cow manure for the nitrogen. it's really cool that the compost area is right next to the pond, area where we're planting out the groundcover and the set of grapes we're going to get trellises up for first. still need to figure out how to get the drip irrigation for both sets of grapes up but the people we're renting from have a couple of grapes that have been struggling in some pots and need to get planted out and i've been clearing out a ton of brambles that have been overtaking the already existing vines so next year we should have tons of new grape vines growing. after making wine we have a ton of grapeseeds and we want to try to figure out if it's practical to try and grow new vines either indoors or outdoors, they dont seem to come up from being dropped around the property and seem to need some kind of special care but i'll look into that more later ig. the wine is stalled probably because we got more juice than i really expected out of the grapes and there's too much sugar to water but i dont have a hydrometer to check so i'm just buying some EC1118 (high abv tolerant champagne yeast) and gonna throw that in there, if that doesnt work i'll split it up into more containers and add more water. wanna find out if there's a way to figure out if i can get another smaller pond up near the top of the pasture and also try to get more trees growing in there for the cows (though they have WAAAAY more shade than basically any other grazing animal i've seen around here because farmers are evil and should be shot on sight. would like to create a new area for the cows where we grow stuff in and then let them in after harvest to reset things and give them a nice treat. they arent for meat or milk btw, they're just friends

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