
bounced between fixing the pool and breaking up the clay in the front garden and moving the soil into it, back is finally healed up enough for me to want to throw on sunscreen and spend most of the day out there so i'll see how much work i can get done tomorrow. would like to get to finishing clearing the blackberries around the grapes and then start cleaning up the ones near the front garden and on the lawn. wanna see how much of that lawn i can replace with something cooler but that might need to wait until after pitching growing a bunch of trees in the pasture for the cows. plan for the grape seeds atm is to leave a bunch in the fridge for 3 months cause i saw someone on a forum say they do better with cold stratification and then try to start them inside near a window. also think i'll take around some of the mash that has a ton of seeds in it to a bunch of leaky sprinklers, sheltered spots and anywhere that i'm putting in the soil we're dragging from the other property. hopefully something sprouts from that lol

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