
it's amazing to watch people who play a video game ask the devs to make changes that mean they dont have to play the video game any more. in mmo's, wow classic in particular gear only feels valuable if it take some amount of effort to get, but in future iterations of the game everyone just sort of gets whatever they want and then they can upgrade the stats on them basically infinitely through a grind that never ends unless you're in the .01% of players doing content that requires you to tolerate great amounts of interpersonal abuse and treat it like a full time job. when the people who play these future iterations of the game come back to classic they ask for the game to be streamlined in a way that would cut out any amount of grinding that makes item acquisition feel rewarding. these kind of people are the kind that would play survival minecraft for like 15 minutes, enable commands, give themselves everything and then be done with the game. they're miserable to play with and they want to be given everything because the game they're actually interested in playing is being a parasite to their raid group and focusing on improving their individual DPS as measured by some spyware that players use to upload logs of everyone in their raid group so they can rank themselves against other players so they can get into another raid group that clears faster and carries them better because the faster you clear the less mechanics you have to deal with. they want to get rewarded for navigating a social environment of getting invited to the right guild for showing up to the right place at the right time instead of for anything to do with the game. these people would much prefer being in an MLM than playing a multiplayer RPG except in an MLM everyone is participating in the competition whereas most raid groups arent really trying to focus on boosting their ranking like this so they wouldnt be able to be considered better than average for showing up at the right place at the right time with the right buffs and sucking off the right raidleader

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