
got all the soil spread out, gonna try to pick up another layer with kammy tomorrow i think. if i'm able to fit more than i did last time i might dig up another section to get all the roses covered. noticed a big chip pile that might be able to cover most of not all of the garden chilling out behind the carshed and want to get that over to cover the soil. would like to make more progress on the compost before phoenix gets here but i'll at least have the front garden ready for planting after getting the brambles up and the compost going i want to get some holes for the trees that joe wants planted out up at the top of the place and wanna see if there's any tweaks i can make to the irrigation system or get some kind of watering schedule worked out if i cant. after that i should have more info about chips and planting more trees in the pasture and will either work on that stuff or start working on the area near the compost piles or get trellises up for the grapes

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