moving brush out from the field to the compost makes it pretty clear i'm going to have a lot more woody material than the compost will be able to break down which is good because i want to make a lot of brush piles for habitat but it kinda messes with how i pictured things would go in terms of what order i'm doing different things in. i want to make sure all of that stuff can get covered in manure and greener stuff so it can be broken down better and i wasnt planning on getting that stuff up until i got more brambles up which while they start green they get woody quite quick if left uncovered. might have to jump back and forth between working on the lawn and clearing out brambles and then save the manure and clearing out a path through an overgrown area for last


the pile of pine needles we moved into the compost on top of all the woody material was already partially decomposing so we basically turned an already existing compost pile on top of the compost pile we're trying to start, this should get things started a lot faster and we havent even got the big mass of green material and cow manure in there yet, very exciting

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