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remember this thanksgiving that if a family member talks about getting a dna ancestry test they are threatening your life and you're in the right to stand your ground

solidarity? no thanks i'm not interested in joining a gang

be the change you wish to see in the world and make gender npcs feel as uncomfortable as their mechanical performances look

help the youtube algorithm has figured out i'm a tranny cause i've been watching cherry's vids more

you're a communist but you go to work? curious

this person, who is not being paid by konami will rack their brain coming up with all sorts of possible explanations for why they had to make the rule and why actually they need to be this harsh with arbitrary rules or else it might be hard for them to run events cost efficiently. their ego is wrapped up with the company because a substantial part of their identity to others is mediated by this company. seeing their fates intertwined they fall in line, ready to defend

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was thinking about this while watching a discussion about a competitive yugioh player getting banned for making a clerical error and saw some people shouting that this was good because it's showing that konami doesnt give preferential treatment to it's top players and that made me stop and think for a bit.

it just sounded like i heard someone cheer for konami being as unthinking and machinelike as possible. they prefer the state that konami doesnt have the interest to make sure unfortunate mistakes dont happen because they probably dont have the bandwidth to make sure less well connected people dont get screwed by this rule. they prefer consistent abstract domination to having the game be slightly more fun to play for more people

people take comfort in the fact that others around them are kneecapped in the same way they are and it's so fucking creepy. it looks like a conspiracy of the mediocre to maintain their position in society by hammering down any nail that sticks up. that's why they all love underdog stories, they're still the children of slaves

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"rights" are just how people learn to internalize abstract domination and alienation as their conditions of freedom. they take equality before the law, equality as possessions of the sovereign as a promise of freedoms and find comfort in it

while groups can allow for more agency navigating the world i dont think i understand that additional agency to be freeing in any way and often it comes with many burdens and obligations. i think solving for freedom puts you at odds with everyone else first and foremost and communists who reflexively downplay this shouldnt be trusted if you value that. many of them seem drunk on the imagined power of that group as they imagine their will to be driving that great beast, completely delusional

build yourself a feminine that is an agent in whatever context they exist in, build yourself a feminine that is capable of incredible violence, build yourself a feminine that's resilient to being boxed in and predicted, that's incapable of meeting expectations and as such leaves people uneasy with you. get in the face of these breeder freaks who expect modesty or at least conformity and be actively hostile to it. destroying the feminine as an object of abuse is the only way to stop the reproduction of the horrific gendered abuse that half the population is crippled with

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they want you to be a token, they want to prove that men can be defanged and they still see you as a man and they fucking need you to perform their psychotic bigoted performance of femininity for them. you need to be a victim, you need to be meek, you need to be sorry. what they like about their imagination of the feminine is that it's supposed to act like a good little abuse victim, controllable

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still disorienting to get told "there are no really meaningful differences between men and women and also gender/sex is more complicated than a binary" internalize it, have everyone around me also say they internalized it and then get punished for talking like amab and afab people arent different by self described feminists. it feels like the modern reactionary has to talk like a social progressive while staying up to date on what bigotries the group still holds. a lot of trans women hate themselves so they're fine with pretty explicit misandry cause they like to lie to themselves and pretend that their fellow progressives respect their identity so of course hating males or treating anything masculine like it's a few drinks away from being a rapist or that any expression of aggression even if just rhetorical is evidence of abusive tendencies is fine actually cause they dont feel like their position in the group is compromised and of course they arent talking about them, they're talking about the bad trans women, the ones who act like men

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bluesky doesnt have threading so i'll post this here so someone has a chance of reading the whole thing lol

civilization is for the dead. their houses are tombs meant to show off status and their aspirations are all in the next life, commonly to have a nice funeral where lots of people important to them are sad though these sentiments are prettied up by pointing them at virtues like "being a good person"

they cant build anything for the living, nothing fits quite right and often things are so poor fitting that they bring their bodies to an earlier expiration

ZiaNitori boosted

"The world’s solution to safety and security, for Jews and for others, continues to be inextricably linked to the nation-state and its sovereignty — to militarized borders and an obsession with demography. As modern history has shown, such an idea always has the potential for exclusionary politics and mass violence. Perhaps most damaging of all is how such a solution propagates a diminished understanding of safety: It is the state that needs defending, not people. It is the state that holds sovereignty, not people. This logically leads to policies that label certain elements of society acceptable losses in times of conflict — sacrifices in the name of the state. And it facilitates an essentialist view of the world that cannot include the history of human migration and leaves no room for the fluidity of identity."

libs are getting mad at people for leading the anti genocide protests if they're not arab. bro what the fuck is this psycho shit, why would some random brown person in the US be the best candidate to lead a march, why are liberals just progressive racial essentialists?

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A small congregation of exiles.