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finishing loading shit into the van and we're gonna be on the road :)

there's this unspoken norm that when you're criticizing something it's because you think the government or some group of armed people should do something about it so it's really cool how people will simultaneously get pissed off at me for being consistent on penal abolition and also act as if i'm trying to make a threat everytime i criticize something, weren't you fucking freaks just getting pissed at me for not being a vengeful sperg?

when i'm getting really misanthropic i'm realizing that often the reason i'm playing ugly mane in my head isnt to amp myself up and get more misanthropic (bc ugly's stuff esp from oblivion access is really misanthropic) it's actually to calm myself down and feel less lonely bc i'm listening to someone else who feels like this

ZiaNitori boosted

#OtD 11 Aug 1964 18-year-old Scottish anarchist Stuart Christie was arrested in Madrid, Spain with explosives to assassinate dictator Franco. He was wearing a kilt, which confused the Argentinian press, who described him as "a Scottish transvestite"

isnt it fucked up how you're always supposed to have service worker etiquette towards basically everyone you meet?

it's so fucked how many people are already dead and there's nothing you can do but watch

i think it'd be cool if more people got a lot more upset at other people for using "we" to include them in a statement they dont identify with, that's probably a pretty good norm to develop when consent is manufactured by exactly this behavior

it'd be really cool if people could get it through their fucking heads that fucking hating yourself is not a prerequisite for being a woman

go on main for a bit "whew these people are actually too stupid to function, time to go back to priv" *instantly sees someone doing some shit that'd be misogynistic in the 50's* yeah i just fucking dont like other people. i'm tired of broken christian freaks, i just want to communicate with something that's trying to live in this fucking world not the next

mfers really fixated on the VP pick rn *because* it's a purely symbolic position, because that matters to the mindless christian role play they're doing that we're expected to play long with

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the reason people are so invested in electoral politics is because they would always try to make a lot of noises about changes in leadership in their church that causes the priest/pastor to do different virtue signals which as we all know means that they're functionally different so it's very important for the moral direction of our society

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oh you're so invested in that artist cause you put them in the "prophet" role in your mind and you want them to be successful

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people's behaviors make a lot more sense when you remind yourself we're not really that far removed from mindless hierarchical religious freaks

media not only captures, but often sets the bounds of it's consumers imagination so one of the more dangerous things you can do to have a conservative effect on the world around you is to let assumptions about society slip into hard coded mechanics as a video game designer. players not being even given the option to break the law, all of society acting instantly in unison against them at a transgression, many mechanics that produce something like property, gendered mechanical differences, all of this stuff subtly but very firmly reproduces a conservative society in the minds of the consumer. in this essay i will explain why me not being able to kill the gnome mage that took my fishing node because i'm alliance makes me a victim of fascism

breeder freaks be like "but i've known them since i was a kid"

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when someone has a family member that's a cop that they still talk to it makes it so obvious that we're like not at all playing the same game. like sorry, you either dont have a relationship with your family anymore or they're not a pig anymore, it's not hard

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A small congregation of exiles.