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had to wait on the dirt a bit (should be getting it done tomorrow when phoenix is over) and had to work on fixing the pool, gonna work on getting more stuff into the compost pile in the meantime and joe said it was cool for us to steal the chips and some other brush laying around the shed so that's cool. we gotta get a new isp as soon as we can so i can start raiding again in wow and we dont get weird outages. still need a couple more desks and chairs as well so alie and i arent sharing the same desk/screen and kammy doesnt have to be hooked up to the tv lol

got all the soil spread out, gonna try to pick up another layer with kammy tomorrow i think. if i'm able to fit more than i did last time i might dig up another section to get all the roses covered. noticed a big chip pile that might be able to cover most of not all of the garden chilling out behind the carshed and want to get that over to cover the soil. would like to make more progress on the compost before phoenix gets here but i'll at least have the front garden ready for planting after getting the brambles up and the compost going i want to get some holes for the trees that joe wants planted out up at the top of the place and wanna see if there's any tweaks i can make to the irrigation system or get some kind of watering schedule worked out if i cant. after that i should have more info about chips and planting more trees in the pasture and will either work on that stuff or start working on the area near the compost piles or get trellises up for the grapes

it's at worst dated. his dismissiveness and jokeyness around the subject works to lure in the type of degens that play VNs that require a tsundere, kuudere, genki girl, deredere, and trap to actually take the trap seriously and not just treat like a weird fetish route.

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i think if you think ruka's arc in steins;gate is transphobic you have poor media literacy skills, are blinded by insecurity or have a really trivial definition of transphobia. okabe's whole fucking arc with her is going from being dismissive of her to not only seeing her as a girl but someone he could absolutely have romantic interest in. this kind of arc of not really connecting or respecting the other people around him to taking them seriously is a constant theme in the show with all of the girls that okabe interacts with in the show. you'd have a better argument that the rest of the gendered stuff in the show carries more transphobic baggage than this. ig there is an option that you could just be unaware that japanese doesnt have second person pronouns and are confused by some shitty subs sending mixed messages about that conclusion but there's still not really a way to miss him saying he promises to never forget her as a girl no matter what world line they're in

it's amazing to watch people who play a video game ask the devs to make changes that mean they dont have to play the video game any more. in mmo's, wow classic in particular gear only feels valuable if it take some amount of effort to get, but in future iterations of the game everyone just sort of gets whatever they want and then they can upgrade the stats on them basically infinitely through a grind that never ends unless you're in the .01% of players doing content that requires you to tolerate great amounts of interpersonal abuse and treat it like a full time job. when the people who play these future iterations of the game come back to classic they ask for the game to be streamlined in a way that would cut out any amount of grinding that makes item acquisition feel rewarding. these kind of people are the kind that would play survival minecraft for like 15 minutes, enable commands, give themselves everything and then be done with the game. they're miserable to play with and they want to be given everything because the game they're actually interested in playing is being a parasite to their raid group and focusing on improving their individual DPS as measured by some spyware that players use to upload logs of everyone in their raid group so they can rank themselves against other players so they can get into another raid group that clears faster and carries them better because the faster you clear the less mechanics you have to deal with. they want to get rewarded for navigating a social environment of getting invited to the right guild for showing up to the right place at the right time instead of for anything to do with the game. these people would much prefer being in an MLM than playing a multiplayer RPG except in an MLM everyone is participating in the competition whereas most raid groups arent really trying to focus on boosting their ranking like this so they wouldnt be able to be considered better than average for showing up at the right place at the right time with the right buffs and sucking off the right raidleader

i think to me the core of steins;gate is about okabe overcoming his issues with attention and communication. in the middle of rewatching for the first time in a while now, will followup when i finish

"jack of all trades, master of none" is stupid wagie propaganda because their specialists lose the ability to follow you if you learn to speak more than one language fluently

all the clay is dug now, just need to break up some chunks and root balls into smaller bits in the last section and fill in with the soil, will be really nice to get the compost online so i dont have to till the soil like this again tho it was pretty fun for the workout. there's probably zero fungal life in there to bother but i'm definitely fucking with some insects and arachnids with this disturbance. gonna spend the last bit of the day collecting blackberries and fucking with the sprinklers. going to try to rotate through all of them to get some water to all the seeds that were dropped near them though that will prob take the better part of a week to do since i'm only swapping them 3 times a day. going through all the sprinklers should also let me find any issues in the lines so i can try to fix them at some point before the water gets turned off. i wanna start making a little map of the place and keep things like info about the lines and what's growing where on it so i can plan things out better but i've been too lazy to go out to the shed and dig through our stuff to see if we have any spare paper there (we still havent moved all our stuff in cause kammys grandma is a hoarder/impulse buyer and was keeping a ton of her shit in this house and still needs to get around to moving a bunch of it out lol)

its so cool i actually have something to do with my body lmao

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might be slipping in the habit of second lunch

you have not experienced happiness until you've seen some cows excitedly trot over from halfway across the pasture cause you left some treats in their snack trough

was told by the guy we're renting from (going to start calling him by his name, joe, cause i'll probably mention him a bunch also we're not renting from him despite it being his property, he's letting kammy's grandma collect the rent cause she has issues with control and also prob has some credit card debt to pay down lol) that he's never seen any grapes pop up from seed around here and that he's always had to buy them as vines, but when clearing out stuff for the front garden we found a grape growing that seemed pretty young and like it wasnt planted as a vine so i'm going to take the grape mash that has a ton of seeds in it and find other somewhat sheltered spots that receive some amount of water to see what comes up. genuinely might just use the sprinklers that run for half the year in the pasture as little nursery space for them though they might just be a little treat for the cows at that point lol

slow day yesterday, got a bit more done breaking up the clay in the front garden but got a blister about it, seemed to fine if i just wear some gloves or something. really wanna get to clearing more brambles to get them to the compost pile sooner so i can start collecting grass clippings and manure sooner to get enough mass to start the composting process

ZiaNitori boosted

Calling the cops on someone is a death threat and should be treated as such.

bounced between fixing the pool and breaking up the clay in the front garden and moving the soil into it, back is finally healed up enough for me to want to throw on sunscreen and spend most of the day out there so i'll see how much work i can get done tomorrow. would like to get to finishing clearing the blackberries around the grapes and then start cleaning up the ones near the front garden and on the lawn. wanna see how much of that lawn i can replace with something cooler but that might need to wait until after pitching growing a bunch of trees in the pasture for the cows. plan for the grape seeds atm is to leave a bunch in the fridge for 3 months cause i saw someone on a forum say they do better with cold stratification and then try to start them inside near a window. also think i'll take around some of the mash that has a ton of seeds in it to a bunch of leaky sprinklers, sheltered spots and anywhere that i'm putting in the soil we're dragging from the other property. hopefully something sprouts from that lol

front garden starting to move along faster than expected since the people we're renting from used to grow weed and have a ton of leftover soil they're cool with us grabbing. the ground is clay and this is gonna let us get stuff planted out there sooner than having to wait for the compost pile to get going. we can also bring this stuff over to another area to try to get a groundcover in and possibly start looking to get some trees and shrubs in. still got a lot of work until the big compost pile is up and we also need to find something for a compost bin for food scraps near the house. we're going to be using dried out brambles and other woody debris from the pasture to serve as the carbon and grass clippings other plant material and cow manure for the nitrogen. it's really cool that the compost area is right next to the pond, area where we're planting out the groundcover and the set of grapes we're going to get trellises up for first. still need to figure out how to get the drip irrigation for both sets of grapes up but the people we're renting from have a couple of grapes that have been struggling in some pots and need to get planted out and i've been clearing out a ton of brambles that have been overtaking the already existing vines so next year we should have tons of new grape vines growing. after making wine we have a ton of grapeseeds and we want to try to figure out if it's practical to try and grow new vines either indoors or outdoors, they dont seem to come up from being dropped around the property and seem to need some kind of special care but i'll look into that more later ig. the wine is stalled probably because we got more juice than i really expected out of the grapes and there's too much sugar to water but i dont have a hydrometer to check so i'm just buying some EC1118 (high abv tolerant champagne yeast) and gonna throw that in there, if that doesnt work i'll split it up into more containers and add more water. wanna find out if there's a way to figure out if i can get another smaller pond up near the top of the pasture and also try to get more trees growing in there for the cows (though they have WAAAAY more shade than basically any other grazing animal i've seen around here because farmers are evil and should be shot on sight. would like to create a new area for the cows where we grow stuff in and then let them in after harvest to reset things and give them a nice treat. they arent for meat or milk btw, they're just friends

kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors kill doctors

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one of the most evil things doctors do is get people who exhibit certain behaviors to think they're inflicted with a fucking status condition. "mental illness?" how about fucking kill yourself

got to cali and got laid out for a week cause i decided i could just take the sunburn i'd get after working outside all day

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A small congregation of exiles.