this critical drinker response video is turning out to be really fruitful. definitely in the top half of my essays in terms of incisive written critique. feels good to lay out some of these ideas.

video's going up in mid to late September for those curious, it's this thumbnail that I teased a while back

highlights of this video series so far:

-developing a proper retrospective of The Last Jedi's reception
-potentially coining a few new terms in YouTube media critique
-getting some insight into the genre of angry reviews
-drawing together a lot of existing concepts

plus this is all in the middle of doing some really interesting work with research and essays about critical race theory, with a big finale research video debunk at the end. been in the works for a while but finally focusing on it.


btw the other videos going up next month are a brief adam and sitch response, a shadiversity response, a video about elon and some other the neo-nazi propaganda on X/twitter, this drinker video and another one that I haven't narrowed down yet in the schedule

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