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no stream tonight guys, just hanging and working on the dark souls essay. trying something new and creative for the format of this one, hope people like it.

BACK TO THE DISCOURSE (Wokefield Pronouns, Naomi Wu, Dark Souls and AC3)



My first video in a series looking at the reception of The Last Jedi on YouTube is live! It's a response to Shadiversity where I get to talk about how he views storytelling, which is always a blast and a precusor to my review of his book.

Shadiversity & "Saving What We Love" | The Last Jedi Videos, Part 1

I am back! The Cherry streams resume! Join me for a fun night of chatting and chilling as I talk about where I've been, what I've been up to, and what's next over games and music!

THE RETURN OF THE JEDI! (Anti-KKKolonizer Aktion + Tgirl Swag)

DROPPING IN 48 HOURS: "Shadiversity & 'Saving What We Love' | The Last Jedi Videos, Part 1"

[This is Part 1 of a multi part series that I'll be uploading covering the backlash on YouTube against The Last Jedi as a kind of retrospective response. Meanwhile, I'll also be returning to streaming tomorrow afternoon, so follow me at my Twitch or join the Discord for notifications.]



Today's video is a return to political content, and we're looking at a (somewhat) recent debacle concerning Sam Seder of the Majority Report as he encountered YouTube's worst podcasters of all time, Sitch and Adam.

DROPPING IN 48 HOURS: "Sitch and Adam's Bad Argumentation Against Sam Seder"

btw the other videos going up next month are a brief adam and sitch response, a shadiversity response, a video about elon and some other the neo-nazi propaganda on X/twitter, this drinker video and another one that I haven't narrowed down yet in the schedule

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plus this is all in the middle of doing some really interesting work with research and essays about critical race theory, with a big finale research video debunk at the end. been in the works for a while but finally focusing on it.

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highlights of this video series so far:

-developing a proper retrospective of The Last Jedi's reception
-potentially coining a few new terms in YouTube media critique
-getting some insight into the genre of angry reviews
-drawing together a lot of existing concepts

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video's going up in mid to late September for those curious, it's this thumbnail that I teased a while back

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this critical drinker response video is turning out to be really fruitful. definitely in the top half of my essays in terms of incisive written critique. feels good to lay out some of these ideas.

We are so back! It's time for a little media analysis on the channel, this time retreading old ground covering the Blade trilogy.

Two of my friends and I recorded our podcast episode on the Star Wars sequels and it's the biggest one we've ever done!


had to update my upload schedule a little bit but I stayed up last night and cranked out an entire video script so if I shuffle some videos around we'll be good to go! I'm super excited

thumbnails for the last jedi videos and the adam and sitch response go hard as fuck. I'm gonna have to come up with something as good for the angie speaks video.

NEW VIDEO ESSAY! "Ben Burgis Can't Give Us an Argument" is now live on YouTube, wherein I cover Ben running interference for Ana Kasparian, ask some questions and make what I believe is an important point.

I'm working on a new series of videos coming in multiple parts called, "The Last Jedi Videos," where I engage in a study of content creator backlash against the film, what some of the arguments were and what this can tell us about the YouTube review landscape. Surprising revelations and breakdowns in store!

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A small congregation of exiles.