
need to figure out an angle for this aristotle paper fuck

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@roundtit do what deleuze would have done and create a FRANKENSTEIN!!😎

@andreiludv honestly? very tempting. very very tempting to do some nefarious things with this.

@andreiludv the first two books of physics. i've spent about 2 months just combing through them verrrry slowly

@roundtit niceeee! i never could agree with his description of nature as something at rest—im too much of a Žižekian for that haha

@andreiludv i’ll read some zizek eventhally, one of these days
aristotle is useful because every time i read him closely i go ohhhhhhh righhhhht he just contained most of the philosophical positions that claimed to respond to him for. eternity.
it’s good to get those perspectives so i know with some accuracy where things have come from and where they are going
painful to read though it’s dense as hell T_T

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