almost done with the CPR. i’ve done some writing about it just as a method of clarifying my thoughts and i’m going to launch into a large essay towards the end of the year to explore a couple big questions i have with it.
we’ll see how it goes! reading kant has been a lot of fun, it’s interesting to see how he slots in with those who respond to him.
i feel with an enemy so formidable it is important to be well acquainted .

i kind of want to publish my notes and writings somewhere but to some other extent these things are.,,, while not personal in a private sense, certainly filled with -personality?- if i may attach that word? in that, they are the residue of me trying to get into a greater understanding of a book, rather than trying to prove anything
maybe that is particularly worthwhile to some but it means they are not necessarily pedagogical but more…. self directed as an end, with a side effect that others can read them


so i’m just not sure what to do with em!

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