
I am feeling so refreshed and excited for the future. Going shooting tomorrow, I'll post some pics so you can see me and the critters in COMMUNITY DEFENSE MODE :D

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@DemonMama Do you attend a group or association for gun care and safety training? There is a socialist rifle association near me but it looks like its largely MLs which isn't an exciting prospect to me.

@Mara at the moment, I'm not part of any formally organized group. I practice with my partners and friends atm (which makes us a small group of our own lmao). Doe and I have run into similar issues with SRA, however, I'm going to be slowly putting out more feelers and I'll let you know if I am able to find reliable associations. John Brown looks promising + if nothing else, I may make a formalized group of my own

@DemonMama Yeah John Brown did look promising but they seem to be pretty few in number unfortunately.

@DemonMama You mentioned in one of your recent streams about doing a gun/weapon safe usage vid or series. Just wanna say I support that idea and you do such a good job with your streams and content.

It would be very useful for young lefties, whose first experience with guns would be fear and uncertainty, especially with all the talk over us arming ourselves.

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A small congregation of exiles.