I am feeling so refreshed and excited for the future. Going shooting tomorrow, I'll post some pics so you can see me and the critters in COMMUNITY DEFENSE MODE :D

@DemonMama Do you attend a group or association for gun care and safety training? There is a socialist rifle association near me but it looks like its largely MLs which isn't an exciting prospect to me.


@Mara at the moment, I'm not part of any formally organized group. I practice with my partners and friends atm (which makes us a small group of our own lmao). Doe and I have run into similar issues with SRA, however, I'm going to be slowly putting out more feelers and I'll let you know if I am able to find reliable associations. John Brown looks promising + if nothing else, I may make a formalized group of my own

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@DemonMama Yeah John Brown did look promising but they seem to be pretty few in number unfortunately.

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A small congregation of exiles.