
moving to the fediverse has unironically made me a better micro blogger lmao. my stuff on here is way more 🔥 already than my twitter stuff

I had some bangers but I have room to breath here with the character limit difference alone

@DemonMama Unironically it's all better here, it takes a while to get used to but even my interactions with posts don't feel as detached. There's room for expression.

@DemonMama Yeah, once you get even like a 1k character limit you realize just how much twitter's character limit constrains thoughts.

I don't really use xnfm's character limit to the max- it's 13120 characters and even at 2k characters it starts changing from microblogging to just blogging- but it's really nice to be able to actually explore an idea and know that you're not going to have some asshole quote tweet post 4/7 out of context and misrepresent it horrifically.

@DemonMama I’m still figuring it all out. I’m not a tech person , but I understand how much safer it is with the individual servers and such. But lots of new terms to take in and learn.

@Nixie_Bug @DemonMama a single day had passed without someone dropping some homophobic shit, I just can't believe how much of a safe space mastodon is. It's amazing.

@KomradeKemet @DemonMama I know! I don’t feel on edge as I open it. Like I don’t have to fight with myself to defend something I see. It’s more enjoyable interactions. And crazy enough, I’m getting more interaction than on twitter. It’s really nice. And I think my connections are starting to be built because I’m seeing more post now.

@Nixie_Bug @DemonMama I'm surprised by how well behaved I am around people don't attack constantly.. I hope it stays like this

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