
So its really looking like the rail strikes are going to happen. Wild, wild times.

@DemonMama i'm sick of people being like "they're spoiled, they got 130k of compensation already" as if that justifies them literally getting one sick day per fucking year.

It's funny when I see this coming from doctors who probably spend all their time not practicing medicine playing golf and fucking their secretaries

@b33rbashjawnson dems have dropped the ball HARD no sick days is an insane demand to put on rail workers. its inhuman. its dems fault this had to come to a strike. its gonna hurt but theyre well within their rights imo

@DemonMama this will be for the best. People can’t keep being walked over for conscience sake and for companies greed. I wish the strikers luck and safety.

@Nixie_Bug I hope they hit the bosses so hard they’ll never squeeze the rail workers again

@DemonMama @Nixie_Bug Probably entirely just my hopium, but I'm hoping they hit the bosses so hard it has a cascade effect for other workers where their demands get met, too. I'd like to think a successful railstrike would give others confidence to follow suit, for one.

@TelvanniBean @DemonMama 100%! I’m hoping it will inspire other workers to protest for their rights. Increased unionization across the boards. Amazon and Starbucks workers come to mind, along with nurses etc. I think there was a long period of complacency, it’s need to be shaken up. Corporate and government needs a reminder of who allows them to function and who they serve.

@DemonMama my dad is a now retired locomotive engineer. He worked for UP. Friends and family who still work there and BN have been weighing their options calling around, seeing if they can find new jobs. I keep suggesting strike. My dad thinks the union won't do it because it's illegal and they don't have the spine.

Things will be crazy if they actually do it. We'll have to show full support. Wave signs, banner drops, connect. This is will be everyone's fight.

@DemonMama Oh man, I wish, there was a way to give the workers sick days, but that would imply that they would need to have more people hired to cover shifts, and god forbid reduce the 21 billion dollars a year in profits

@DemonMama Yeah seriously. It's gonna become ugly what with the very real potential that the cops are called on the strikers, but honestly the alternative of just taking indentured servitude lying down is so much worse

@DemonMama lemme know if you hear about some place we can donate or other ways to help

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