So its really looking like the rail strikes are going to happen. Wild, wild times.

@DemonMama this will be for the best. People can’t keep being walked over for conscience sake and for companies greed. I wish the strikers luck and safety.


@Nixie_Bug I hope they hit the bosses so hard they’ll never squeeze the rail workers again

@DemonMama @Nixie_Bug Probably entirely just my hopium, but I'm hoping they hit the bosses so hard it has a cascade effect for other workers where their demands get met, too. I'd like to think a successful railstrike would give others confidence to follow suit, for one.

@TelvanniBean @DemonMama 100%! I’m hoping it will inspire other workers to protest for their rights. Increased unionization across the boards. Amazon and Starbucks workers come to mind, along with nurses etc. I think there was a long period of complacency, it’s need to be shaken up. Corporate and government needs a reminder of who allows them to function and who they serve.

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