
Tonight I watched the "Big Green" Dub of Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone with my friend @Retcon and oh my god it was so funny

Many of the names are arbitrarily changed for this dub:

Piccolo becomes "Big Green"

Krillin becomes "Klearin (??)"

Kami is just directly translated to "God" instead of it being his name


The line delivery ALWAYS feels extremely rushed, like the actors are being held at gunpoint. For some reason they stick EXTREMLY rigidly to the mouthflaps in the animation but really poorly structure the lines, so characters repeatedly grunt or scream in the middle of or immediately at the end of an already rushed line.

Occasionally a character will "yell" softly, like the actor was trying not to wake up a roomate.

There are also blatantly flubbed lines that are left in the dub.

What an absolutely incredibly bungled, but hilarious to watch movie


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@DemonMama I love the Big Green dubs, I watched one of the movies with a group of friends a long while back.

I remember downloading the official subtitles for the movie and then "synching" it to the dub, which seemed to run faster/slower than the original source so it was an active effort to keep it synched lmao

@DemonMama @Retcon
Have you seen Goldenboy dubbed? It is probably the funniest anime I have ever seen.

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