Last night watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes and it was a very reasonable and fun movie. It did not have a lot of depth but I didn't go in expecting that. I was happy they just committed to everything being CGI. It was basically just a CG animated film, which I can live with. Nothing amazing in the camera work or the performances except ANDY SERKIS who plays the worlds best chimpanzee. Andy Serkis is an undersung blessing to mankind and apekind alike.
It was fun to watch apes fuckin around.
Ive seen the old school Planet of the Apes movies, which I enjoyed a lot when I was younger (the lobotomy stuff scared the hell out of me), and I also saw the dreadful 2001 remake so when these Apes films came out originally my brain turned off completely expecting a really crappy "apes cinematic universe" but after years of hearing people say they're solid fun, I'm excited to watch the rest and happy I enjoyed the first.
@Fawn_Over_Fun I hear the next two films are where the series really shines. I really liked the old school Planet of the Apes films from the 60s + 70s but I can completely understand passing them up