today i woke up to some guy cutting down one of the trees i know the crows nest in 😭

well it's official, that tree is completely gone now. very upsetting. i fed some crows today, i know it'll be high stress for them for a while.


@exiliaex there's more good reasons to demolish that guy's home than he had for that tree but that would be violence where this is just yard care

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@ZiaNitori i know, right? i mean truthfully i don't want to hurt the guy that did it, but it weighs so heavy on my heart that no one considers what happened to that tree or the eggs in the nests when cutting the tree down.

@exiliaex of course, it's just so infuriating that you're looked at as insane if you call the destruction of habitat violent. their homes make the world a better place to live in while the tombs humans call houses are a blight on the land around them

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A small congregation of exiles.