@idlematts will you still be posting after ordination? How does that align with Right Speech?
@destroy Can I ask where you feel the discrepancy lies between right speech and posting?
Posting is usually very frivolous. Gossip and such. I know there’s Bhikkhu on social media but it seems very… regulated?
Yeah coming from a Theravada experience, with the novice handbook having literally hundreds of rules, it’s definitely different.
@idlematts yeah that’s… very different from Theravada monastics. Even lay people who take the Five Precepts aren’t supposed to drink!
Well, we have the precept "do not intoxicate the mind", which warns against it. But again, drinking doesn't disqualify you! Most seem to refrain from drinking in general, though.
My lineage is full of recovering alcoholics, too. The White Plum Asanga was started by Maezumi Roshi who was a recovering alcoholic. My teacher and his teacher are both recovering alcoholics and so am I. There was a teacher - Maezumi's brother - who would start every morning with a glass of beer. One time he got so drunk that he fell into a fire pit and burned his fingers off! But he was still considered to be extraordinarily wise and accomplished in the Buddha way.
Wow! We really don't have many rules. We have a lot of traditions. But we have zen masters who smoke cigarettes, who drink, etc. The deepest part of zen is an understanding that we are human and we strive to be human, with all of the struggles, emotions, etc that come with it. Including anger.
Zen is a Mahayana sect that was deeply mixed with daoism when it developed in China so we tend to be pretty different even from other Mahayana sects.