To every person who’s posting some kind of 2022 year-in-review with any version of: oh I’m so happy 2022 was the year the pandemic ended / we got to travel again / things went back to normal…

Ok, listen. First, the pandemic is not over. It’s as bad as ever. People are NOT safe unmasked, indoors, in public — they are simply brainwashed into thinking it’s safe to get COVID over & over. (The science is clear it’s not. If you “disagree”, please go look at some recent statistical data.)


Second, there are hundreds of millions of people who cannot get Covid. Who know they cannot get Covid. Who must avoid it.

When you claim 2022 was such a great year because we could all live life again — well, you are leaving off the phrase “except for those disabled people. They don’t count.”

If you deeply believed people who cannot get Covid are “us”, are real people who count, who matter, who fully deserve to be a true part of society, you would not say it’s over.

2022 was the year I learned just how many people in the web industry (especially those who write, present, & have influence) believe they are righteous advocates for people with disabilities — but actually they lean towards eugenics. They do not care. They might talk about the importance of semantic HTML, but they refuse to wear a mask.

Yes, eugenics is the word. The belief that normal people will be fine. Only those defective people have problems, and we don’t really need or want them around…

The height of hypocrisy? People standing on stages presenting about accessibility, maskless, to maskless audiences. Literally preaching accessibility at inaccessible events.

Also, medical conferences, talking about anything, with no masks. I saw photos from an immunology conference held without masks. This virus disregulates the immune system. 🤦

Disinformation is powerful. It’s killing people, and disabling many more.

2023 is a year where you get to decide: should society “move on” leaving a huge percentage of people behind? Or will you, with your choices, make it possible for everyone to be included?

Are you going to try to not infect other people in 2023? Or do you not care about others, only your own comfort & convenience.

By the way, the easiest way to become immune compromised right now is to get Covid. It creates the very disability people who ignore the virus believe disqualifies you from society.


@jensimmons Would me being one of like five people masking in a crowded workplace suddenly make that workplace accessible? Or would it simply signal to other people that I care?

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