misread "bicycle" as "bionicle" and i was very disappointed when i discovered my mistake, tho not as much as i could have been since bikes r pretty cool if not as cool as bionicles
@destroy one of the early predecessors of bionicle was this brief line of sets called roboriders. there's also makuta androz who has a motorcycle (called a "destral cycle" in universe) in one of his sets. both of these things could conceivably be called bionicycles
@destroy i think they knew what they were doing when they put as much effort as they did into the worldbuilding of bionicle. its like intentionally designed for ppl who like cataloguing information

@sinistrist is the lore of Bioncle that deep? i know there was a cartoon movie my little brother liked and the little guys had different elements and names

@destroy there were actually 4 movies and also a ton of books and comics and flash games and the story was kinda spread out over all of them

@sinistrist oh wow you’ll have to tell me all about it some time

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