i basically just want a smartphone in a 10 inch laptop form factor w/o a touch screen and w/ a bit more storage than my current one has
@destroy i dont want to use it as a phone or anything i just meant an arm SoC w/ similar specs to the ones inside smartphones and the ability to use data

this is me describing my ideal laptop

@emmycelium ohh that makes sense 😊 (doesn’t know what you’re talking about)

@destroy arm is the computer architecture used in smartphones, modern macs and the nintendo switch. arm laptops other than macs r mostly rlly shitty bc of some historical shenanigans w/ microsoft and arm chip manufacturers but the architecture is cool bc it's easier to program at the bare metal level and consumes less power for the same amt of computational work.

SoC stands for "system on a chip" and means that like microprocessors took all the parts of an old CPU from being separate chips to just 1 component, now the CPU, GPU, memory controllers (and sometimes the memory itself in lower end SoC designs), etc. are all packed into just one chip. all arm devices i know of including the new macs are SoC designs

@emmycelium oh yeah that would be a nice little laptop with probably pretty good battery life

@destroy yaaa, since im not gaming on my laptop or anything im just posting online, editing plain text and writing lightweight software itd rlly be my ideal to just have maximum battery life and portability lol
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