@nyx people really are sleeping on how unique Yugoslavia was, its economics structure was a really curious interplay between socialism, non-capital markets and syndicalism, they practically showed the efficacy of a mixed mutualist and socialist system, the fact that they brought together the balkans (and that only years of UN neolib-fash fuckery could split it) is a fucking miracle, and they managed to rizz their way into getting support from the west solely thru trickery, not yomdntion that Tito mayyyybe killed stalin
@0utside0utsider yeah no one really talks about Yugoslavia for some reason despite its successes. makes me wonder if any theory was ever written on Titoism because it seems like it wasn't exactly a formalized set of ideas so much as him just doing a particular sort of socialism that made sense for the conditions of Yugoslavia

@nyx @0utside0utsider successes? By the 80s like 20% of its economy was remittances. That’s a gruesome failure to me

@destroy @nyx I mean, I think it wasn't until the late 80's, and that's almost entirely the basis of the IMF and the lead up to the oil crisis which was engineered by the rising neoliberal order. It was basically war thru economics leading into actual proxy wars

I don't think Yugoslavia was perfect, the limited workers self management they had might have been the most of any socialist state and they might have gotten further than any other on an economy that was not command or secretly market driven but its still not as far as the mixed commune and independents system of the Spanish CNT/FAI, and their unwillingness to enact full separation from a managerial mechanism that provides an insentive for integration into the global capitalist economy basically doomed them in the end, but its still interesting to see what their attempt was
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