Not lost on me that it's mainly white trans women and white cis dudes who wanna shout down people who don't want the "let's exterminate trans people" candidate. Because when it comes to state violence we'll probably be okay, we have the least to lose, we can order our mones with crypto and figure it out, but God forbid someone suggest minimizing the violence that will impact everyone else.
@eris Kamala Harris literally has a track record of turning over undocumented children to ICE lmao what are you going on about
@nyx And what's Trumps record with ICE? Oh yeah ordering it to expand and seek out and do violence on a mass scale, break up families, put children in court to represent themselves, threaten the rights of dreamers who don't know another life, but you got your little links so it's the same right?

@nyx @eris

Obama started most of that. I remember marching with immigrant groups in 2012 calling him the deporter in chief because he rolled out ICE so hard. Liberal reforms like DACA are always paired with more brutal enforcement of the existing laws.

The Biden-Harris administration also bragged about deporting more people than Trump. Democrats have no intention of going back to the loose enforcement of the 80s and 90s and support the huge ICE CBP complex.

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