uspol kvetching 

blue state people really think red states exist just because people are too lazy to leave their house and vote, or because a small number of leftists are too ideologically pure or what the fuck ever

instead of you know, our fascist state governments reducing the number of voting sites, removing the ones in areas with more black folks, keeping the polling window at the federal minimum 12 hours on a tuesday, imposing ID laws and making IDs as hard as possible to get, or you know, no functional public transit, no paid time off from work to vote, no unions to actually enable us to get time off from work

or like, the democrats not even fucking trying to win in those states, often not even running candidates

re: uspol kvetching 

remember how in 2000 they literally threw boxes of ballots into the ocean in Florida and nobody gave a shit and the supreme court handed the election to Bush? I guess that was also because people were too lazy to go vote or whatever.

re: uspol kvetching 


they need to do stuff like that or else the republicans would never win...

which honestly is the most heartening thing I've heard all day.

there are more of us than them, thank goodness.

re: uspol kvetching 

@gabrilend there are always more oppressed than oppressors, that's why power structures were invented in the first place

re: uspol kvetching 


yes that is true! And though they'd never realize nor admit it, the republicans are oppressed too.

Some day we will liberate them, and they will realize what utter douche-nozzles they've been. Their harm will be done, of course, but since there are more of us than them, we can live through their hatred and come out the other side toughened with resolve.

they have nothing but anger. They will collapse under their own weight. The oppressors cannot oppress for much longer, all we have to do is wait.

(and, like, y'know, prepare our resources and such)

re: uspol kvetching 

@gabrilend I think you are kind of missing the point

re: uspol kvetching 


sorry 😅

re-reading what you wrote, your point was that it's unfair that republicans are granted the control they have over our society through the disenfranchisement of democrat voters, right?

and I was saying that if those limitations were removed, the democrats would win in a landslide everywhere in the country, which gives me faith in my fellow countrymen.

am I on the right track now?

re: uspol kvetching 

@gabrilend yes their power is undemocratic and held by electoral manipulation. that doesn't mean their defeat is inevitable. nothing is inevitable in politics. that kind of thinking leads to fascism. politics is war with words. if you want to win you better organize, agitate, educate, get on the ground level and actually talk to real people in the world and don't act like you're better than them and going to re-educate them one day, that's why everyone hates democrats so much, the complacency and the condescension, it's why y'all keep losing easily winnable elections.

re: uspol kvetching 

@winter @gabrilend yeah it feels a lot like “lol the Czar wouldn’t even win an election” like okay but he has the army and his cossacks and can kill whoever he wants.

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