Since KOSA passed its probably worth removing minors from your fedi instances. Instance admins in the US could potentially be held responsible for content they see and fedi offers no way to comply with a bill like KOSA, and even outside the US they'd risk being censored.

We will most definitely see even change to 18+ because otherwise they would be threatened by the FTC for lacking those tools
@eris this really is going to do worsen human development to at least the same extent that No Child Left Behind did, isn't it
@apophis I think I'm kind of both sidesing the issue. I think the bill is a horrible approach but minors are groomed in every corner and exposed to shit they shouldn't be. Fedi does need better safety tools. But the approach is definitely going to be "kick them off" instead.
@eris @apophis Yes, and a bunch of kids do kill themselves and end up with eating disorders and such due to the internet. I don’t think censorship is the answer though
@arcana @apophis I think a good stance would be flagging minors and preventing them from talking to 18+ users without any limit on content they can see that isn't already 18+
@eris @apophis honestly something I wonder is how well AI might be able to detect underage users based on language and behavior usage. That could be a good way to filter for this kind of thing and reduce the occurrence rate. Such some mature minors would likely get past the filter but I imagine if they’re more mature they’re possibly smarter when it comes to the dangers of the internet.

@apophis @eris @arcana getting banned from 99% of websites because i use punctuation like a gen alpha

@eris @arcana @destroy @nyx this is just like one of those cartoons from the 90s where the dystopian government is really weird about targeting kids specifically to oppress

i think i just got a bingo on this 90s cartoon villain card, no wait it's bipartisan so it doesn't count :akko_badday:
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