JD Vance, I shit you not, has unironically just blamed German and Irish immigrants in the 1800s for how shitty New York apparently is in a presser at the Milwaukee Police Association. He is actually going to start Hibernian Conspiracy posting. You know, that thing that's literally a joke about how ridiculous the Jewish conspiracy shit is? Yeah, he's doing that for serious I guess
@nyx @lydiaposting my dad unironically does this but also for french people too, one of his main problems with Joe Biden is that he's Irish. As a kid I invited an irish friend of mine over for a sleepover and he refused to make eye contact with him all day or the next day at breakfast. Somehow he manages to say "paddywhacker" with a hard R
@FiringSquadsEnjoyer @lydiaposting that's fucking wild lmao. I've heard before that anti-Irish racism is still unironically a thing in the UK but goddamn lol
@nyx @lydiaposting my dad's social views were basically cryogenically frozen in the 80s and he exclusively uses recent events to reinforce them rather than reflecting on them
@nyx @lydiaposting he was in one as a young man and immediately became the most anti Irish man alive (not a justification tho ofc, my mum was in two and received worse injuries but she's not anything like him)
@nyx @FiringSquadsEnjoyer legit I understand this in a sense that there are racist, anti-Irish Thatcherites that are probably still alive today in the UK, but like to see an amerikkkan like Vance do this is fucking wild
@lydiaposting @FiringSquadsEnjoyer maybe this will make people start being openly racist towards Italians again and bring back the glorious era of every Italian-Amerikan being a communist instead of larping as a white person
@0utside0utsider @FiringSquadsEnjoyer @lydiaposting that's a good question and makes me wonder if there are any historical examples of this to draw from

@nyx @0utside0utsider @lydiaposting @FiringSquadsEnjoyer You could probably look into Roman identity. We still have ethnic groups that are just called their word for Roman

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