This is the most unintentional irony possible, right?

I am not sure I can think of a person this well-known for issuing death threats, specifically in the defence of transphobic block lists.

Like, aside from this just being a really silly thing to say, xe specifically is the person doing blocklist-based death threats.

If anybody can explain to me what's going on in Bluesky, I would appreciate it.

From what I can tell, the drama is:

A Bluesky blocklist called "skyhub" added a man named "Bill" with no receipts.

Bill is... a funny Black dude with a lot of friends who are trans women and an anime profile picture.

And the people who want to keep Bill on the blocklist are describing the the people who disagree with them as "white trans women", "white first", etc.

Even though Bill is a man. And Black. And cis.

I am not taking this especially seriously, because it's Bluesky-lore and my name is Fedilore.

If anybody asks, the reason I'm talking about the funny Bluesky drama is, because so_treu's posts in defence of...

**checks notes**

...unfounded accusations of sexual harassment, targeting a Black man.

The accusations against Bill seem very silly.

His jokes about having a poop gun apparently tie back to this post.

I always talk about how this is just Tumblr drama, but on BlueSky it's very much Twitter drama.

Which is admittedly much funnier.

suicide, serious, this stuff does matter 

Okay, last post, I promise. A more serious one.

Eden Knight was a Saudi trans woman. She was kidnapped from the United States, brought back to Saud, forcibly detransitioned, and died.

There was a user named "Jai" on Twitter who, if you know her, you know her because she posted the below tweet celebrating the killing of Eden Knight and then spread conspiracy theories about Eden's mourning friends.

These are the same people.

It's disgusting.

suicide, serious, this stuff does matter 

@fedilore IDR who decoded those emoji, but Jai's username at the time are a pantomime of smoking a cigarette, or "smoking a f_g" (which, if not apparent, "smoking" = killing)

Dancing on graves too

suicide, serious, this stuff does matter 

@FediDrama This is a trans woman of color dancing on the grave of another trans woman of color.

I'm reading the cigarette as "smoked" = "killed", but probably not the additional slur?

re: suicide, serious, this stuff does matter 

@fedilore @FediDrama is jai even trans? we were under the impression she was cis


re: suicide, serious, this stuff does matter 

@fedilore @dangerdyke @FediDrama Jai was a guy until repeatedly going after trans women to cancel them and then suddenly transitioned when people said it was transmisogyny

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